

noun \ˈhd\

Definition of HOOD

a (1) :  a flexible covering for the head and neck (2) :  a protective covering for the head and face
b :  a covering for a hawk's head and eyes
c :  a covering for a horse's head; also :  blinder
a :  an ornamental scarf worn over an academic gown that indicates by its color the wearer's college or university
b :  a color marking or crest on the head of an animal or an expansion of the head that suggests a hood
a :  something resembling a hood in form or use
b :  a cover for parts of mechanisms; specifically :  the movable metal covering over the engine of an automobile
c chiefly British :  a top cover over the passenger section of a vehicle usually designed to be folded back
d :  an enclosure or canopy provided with a draft for carrying off fumes, sprays, smokes, or dusts
e :  a covering for an opening (as a companion hatch) on a boat
hood transitive verb
hood·like \-ˌlīk\ adjective

Origin of HOOD

Middle English, from Old English hōd; akin to Old High German huot head covering, huota guard
First Known Use: before 12th century

Other Clothing Terms

babushka, brogue, bumbershoot, cravat, dishabille, furbelow, layette, raiment, spectator

Rhymes with HOOD


noun \ˈhd, ˈhüd\

Definition of HOOD

:  hoodlum
hoody \ˈh-dē, ˈhü-\ adjective

First Known Use of HOOD



noun \ˈhd\

Definition of HOOD

:  a neighborhood and especially an inner-city neighborhood; also :  inner city

Variants of HOOD

hood or 'hood \ˈhd\

Origin of HOOD

short for neighborhood
First Known Use: 1967


biographical name \ˈhd\

Definition of HOOD

John Bell 1831–1879 Am. Confed. gen.


biographical name

Definition of HOOD

Samuel 1724–1816 1st Viscount Hood British admiral


biographical name

Definition of HOOD

Thomas 1799–1845 Eng. poet
HOOD[1] Defined for Kids


noun \ˈhd\

Definition of HOOD for Kids

:  a covering for the head and neck and sometimes the face
:  the movable covering for an automobile engine
:  a cover that is used especially to protect or shield something <a lens hood>
hood·ed \ˈh-dəd\ adjective <a hooded jacket>


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